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September 8, 2009

The Last Hurrah

So, I'm a bad mommy. I'll admit it.

The economy didn't help, though. No money to go anywhere. We were hoping to at least see my Gram, who is dying of cancer, but our new transmission put a stake into that idea.

I did nothing to enrich their summer, to make memories. Bad mommy.

However, I had the bright idea to take them to the beach on Sunday. At least have a one last hurrah, send off summer on the right note.

It started off on a bumpy note. The parking lot closed just as we pulled up. We ended up parking about a mile or so away and walking. I wasn't exactly wearing the right shoes for that trek (white platform sandals), nor was Dear Daughter (slip-on jelly shoes that kept slipping off). Carrying all our gear, dodging bicyclists (grrr...), listening to my whining child and telling her that, yes, indeed, we were still going to the beach.

Once we finally got there, we crossed the parking lot (and three empty spaces -- thanks, Park Ranger Bob) and collapsed at the first good spot we found.

Once we recovered, we did have fun. Dear Son kept trying to eat sand. Dear Daughter digging for "sea shells" (actually, rocks) and making "sand castles" (piles of sand). DD's first dip into the lake. The shear joy on her face, followed by the horror on her face when she fell into the cold water (59 degrees), the joy that returned after she jumped up and assured me that "I'm OK!!!".

I could have done without the wicked sunburn, though. My fair skin has never had a love affair with the sun. We were thoroughly exhausted, but happy.

Sometimes, you just need some time away. Even if it's only a few miles away -- it can feel like another world.

1 comment:

  1. 真愛旅舍午夜聊天室
