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June 3, 2009

Team Edward, Team Jacob....or Team Harry?

OK. So I recently finished Twilight. Not the series, just the first book.

Yeah, yeah - behind the times, I know. So sue me. I'm not a 15-year-old girl anymore, y'know (although, the book made me feel that way - and I almost missed it. Almost.).

Anyway, loved it (duh). However, as I sat, perusing Twilight themed Flair for my Facebook page, I discovered something. Apparently, you have to pick a side.

I knew about Team Edward vs. Team Jacob (I am pop-culturally aware). So far, I am on Team Edward (OMG! So seeing what Bella sees in him.). However, Jacob has potential (have you seen Taylor Lautner? Is it wrong to lust a bit after jailbait? Just asking.)

No. What I mean is, you apparently can't like both Harry Potter and Twilight.

Now, in the interest in full disclosure, I haven't read all the Potter's either. Not that I haven't wanted to. I did buy the first book in the series and read it, then watched the movie.

However, I have tried to watch the next installment's movie on ABCFamily when it's on. Ugh. It's the "edited for television" version, and it's like 5 hours, with all the commercials. I don't have that kind of time - or attention span. I hate 2 hour movies. Plus, with the LOs, I figure it's best that I don't watch it when they are around, and....honestly, when are they not around?

I do like the series, though. I have read articles and am fairly aware of the basic plotlines. I also read the end of the last book in Meijer when it first came out (naughty, I know).

I guess, though, I have to pick a team to be on - Team Twilight or Team Harry.

If my library ever gets me a copy of New Moon before I am too old to read it (#57 on the wait list - yippee!)....I'll let you know.

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